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August 29, 2009

Some nice Google talk Bots

Some usefull Google talk bots which can bring some fun and useful for you when you are with your Google talk(Gtalk xmpp that is why I prefer Google talk on Yahoo and MSN etc)

What are bots? Here what wikipedia said “Internet bots, also known as web robots, WWW robots or simply bots, are software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet.”

Here I am going to introduce some usefull and interesting bots which you can use for free by adding them as Chat contact to your Google talk messenger
Get google talk Your browser may not support display of this image.
Aardvark BOT Add aardvark@vark.com as contact to your Google talk

Aardvark (vark.com) is very very nice service where people discuss and ask questions from each other, I by my own get too much knowledge from Var.com by using their Bot is fun.
Your browser may not support display of this image. Your browser may not support display of this image. Aardvark is currently in beta and invitation registration service only, You can use my invitation link to join this service

Click here to see what kind of questions people ask on Aardvark

And click here to play 20seconds video how Aardvark works

For the sake of knowledge one must use Aardvark :)

Official Google English to Instant messaging and Instant messaging to English translation BOT

To add this Bot add en2im@bot.talk.google.com to your Google talk as chat buddy.

The work of this Bot is to compress and uncompress English, useful when you have less space for text specially while typing sms.
Me: hello, What do you think I shall be doing in this Ramadan?
Output: hllo, What do U thnk I shll B dng in ths Ramadan?

Games Bot

To add Games bot add games@gtalkbots.com as chat buddy in your Google talk.
Your browser may not support display of this image. For text based games

iNeZha Rss feeds Bot

To add this bot add inezhabot@gmail.com as chat buddy in your Googletalk

This is another useful bot, used for fetching feeds of your favorite site or blog. You can remain updated with new feeds of your any fav RSS site using this bot within your Google talk, Whenever your added site gets feed update this Bot will notifiy you by sending you chat message with feed preview and full story link.
Joke teller Bot

To add this bot add joketeller@bot.im as chat buddy in your Google talk.

This bot gives English jokes.

Labnol Bot for webmasters and bloggers
to add this bot add labnol@bot.im as chat buddy to your Google talk.
Your browser may not support display of this image.
Type any word to this bot and it will give keywords suggestions for that your word taking form google search

Talkmayafile bot

to add this bot add talk@mayafile.com as chat buddy into your Google talk.

This bot can store your personal notes easily.
talkmayafile BOT: I store brief notes that you can retrieve later. It's easy. Just type /store to store a note and /find to find it later!

Hellotxt.com bot
to add this bot add im@hellotxt.com as chat buddy into your Google talk.

This is social networks bot, can update your status/micro blogs, to use this Bot must register at hellotxt.com

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