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October 7, 2009

Ufone- Incoming Call Bonus Offer ???

At the beginning when mobile telecom services were growing in Pakistan receiving call were also charged and some early operators made a lot of profit on it. But now we see Ufone coming up with this Incoming Call Bonus Offer where you can earn free balance on receiving incoming calls.
With Ufone’s Incoming Call Bonus Offer, when you receive a call from any other network, local, nationwide or international for more than two minutes you will earn a free balance of 25 paisa per call. Details can be found at Ufone website.
Like all promotional offer a company gives, ultimately is for a bigger return. The big question is:
“In this offer where Ufone is giving 25 paisas, what return are they getting on it and how?”
I think I have an answer to this but lets see what do you think. Post your answers in comments.

October 5, 2009

Html Coding

October 2, 2009

PTCL Double-Up And Financial Results

It has been another year of mixed results for PTCL but it is clearly getting on a stable track – Rs. 9 billion profit is not bad. Because of its breadth of coverage, it can offer some interesting services – for example see their latest Double Up package, which has been criticized by other ISPs as unfair. It would get really interesting if PTCL came up with a package offer which includes wireless (voice and/or data) as well. Ufone, its mobile phone arm has shown decent performance, though it could have done better.
In summary, anyone looking for a long term investment should consider PTCL.
PTCL’s Double-Up Unlimited Package offers:
  • Unlimited On-net calls & 1Mbps broadband connectivity with unlimited downloads for monthly charge of Rs.1,999.
  • unlimited on-net calls & 2Mbps broadband connectivity with unlimited downloads for monthly charge ofRs. 2,999.
  • unlimited on-net calls & 4 Mbps connectivity with unlimited downloads only for monthly charge of Rs. 5,999.
Unlimited on-net local & NWD calls include PTCL to PTCL and PTCL to Vfone.
Dawn has more on PTCL financial performance.
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited announced profit-after-tax amounting to Rs9.151 billion for the year ended June 30, which was in line with many analysts’ expectations.
Earning per share (EPS) stood at Rs. 1.79. The previous year, the telecom had drifted into loss of Rs. 2.825 billion, translating into loss per share of Re0.55.
The board did not announce a final dividend; the company having already paid an interim cash dividend at Rs1.50 per share.
Given substantial cash holdings, some analysts were looking forward to a bit of more with the final accounts.
The revenue of PTCL for the year under review stood at Rs. 59 billion, which represented 11 per cent decline over the revenue of Rs66 billion earned in FY08.
The dwindling of fixed line subscriber base was thought to be the factor in declining revenue, but sector analysts said that increase in international and broad-band revenues might have prevented a greater fall.

BlackBerry Desktop Manager Will Run on Macs

In a move that could impact its sales among both consumer and business Mac users, Research In Motion announced Wednesday that a BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Apple's Mac will be released on Friday. The free software syncs contacts, calendar appointments, and notes on a Mac with BlackBerry smartphones.
The software works with Mac programs such as iCal, Address Book, Microsoft Entourage, and others. It also enables a user to schedule backups automatically, add or delete applications, encrypt backup files, and install software updates for the BlackBerry.
Until now, BlackBerry Desktop Manager has only been compatible with Windows machines.
'A Long Time Coming'
BlackBerry Media Sync can also be managed within the desktop manager. With media sync, users can transfer their iTunes music, including playlists, song information, and album art, from a computer to a BlackBerry.
Avi Greengart, an analyst with industry research firm Current Analysis, said the Mac version of the manager was "a long time coming."
He said it probably doesn't change the appeal of the iPhone to Mac users, but it "makes it easier for BlackBerry owners who are in a business environment" or in a home where Macs are used. Greengart noted that the Mac's market share is still in the single digits, although notebook users in the U.S. are above the global share.
It's the U.S. Mac notebook market, he added, that RIM needs to tap into. Greengart noted that, since most of RIM's sales these days are to consumers, this is actually more of a consumer play than a business one.
Keeping Up
While RIM is looking more toward the consumer market, Apple has been busy making its iPhone more compatible with businesses. Newer Mac software enables the iPhone to work with Microsoft Exchange and standards-based servers, allowing a user to utilize a company's e-mail, calendar and contacts. It has also been working...

September 29, 2009

Glow Sponsors Racing Event

Considering the popularity of Motor Sports amongst the youth, Warid’s Glow brand has scored points by sponsoring a racing event called Pakistan Racer Hunt. This is a smart campaign by Warid to attract attention, create buzz and engage their target audience: affluent youths. Click below to see a higher resolution ad.
Pakistan Racer Hunt is an event where teams from Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad will be competing with each other to win the Go-Kart race. People from the three cities will be short listed through a theory and practical test and then would compete for the Grand Finale to be held in Lahore. To participate in the event one needs to buy an Entry Pack worth Rs 2,999 (that will only be available at Warid Business Centres and at Espresso Cafes). GLOW is the main sponsor of the event whereas it is co-sponsored by Bank Alfallah.
For rules and for more details visit Pakistan Racer Hunt web site.

HowTo Manage your networked devices using Python and Pexpect

This is my first release of ldNetDeviceManager.py. The ldNetManager.py tool gives you the ability to manage your network devices with out having to purchase a product like Cisco's LMS or go through the planning phase of deploying a product like func. Each of the tools I mentioned before, only have the ability to manage devices in their realm. Func supports Linux devices and Cisco LMS supports only Cisco devices.
This tool has one goal. And that is to update your devices with out deploying any software to your remote devices. All you need is either telnet or ssh access to your devices and Python2.4 or better with Pexpect installed. Once you have those 2 requirements fullfilled, then you are pretty much ready to go.

You will need Python 2.4 or better and Pexpect. ( has not been tested with Python 3+ )
You can get Python from http://python.org and Pexpect ( I'm currently using Pexpect 2.3, which you can get from SourceForge.

For support. please check the forums, http://www.linuxdynasty.org/forums/LD_Network_Device_Manager .
Here are the release notes..
Revision .20 09/27/2009
  • Support for Cisco Devices and Linux Operating Systems
  • Support for telnet and ssh or both
  • Knows if you passed sudo, su, or enable
  • Can pass either 1 device or multiple devices
  • Can pass 1 command or multiple commands through a text file.
  • Can pass 1 device or multiple devices through a text file.
  • When running show commands on Cisco devices, the script will know to send a ( space bar ) to get more info
 Download ldNetDeviceManager.py
File Title:ldNetDeviceManager.py (Details)
File Type:py
File Version:.20
File Size:14.94 Kb
File Author:Allen Sanabria
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Here is an example of running LdNetManager.py against 3 of my servers..
In the examples below, you will notice I am not passing a password and I'm using the root account. The script will know if you have ssh keys installed on the remote servers.
python ldNetDeviceManager.py --login="root" --dlist=gfs.txt --command="chkconfig --level 3 snmpd on" --term="ssh" --out
file list gfs.txt
connecting to
 using ssh 
 root@ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 chkconfig --level 3 snmpd on
[root@gfs1 ~] connecting to using ssh 
 root@ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 chkconfig --level 3 snmpd on
[root@gfs2 ~] connecting to
 using ssh 
 root@ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 chkconfig --level 3 snmpd on
[root@gfs3 ~] Total host that passed 3 Total host that failed 0
Total host that had either incorrect login or passwords 0
Total host that could not connect 0
Another example, this example shows that snmpd is set to on ..
python ldNetDeviceManager.py --login="root" --dlist=gfs.txt --command="chkconfig --list --level 3 |grep snmpd " --term="ssh" --out
file list gfs.txt
connecting to 
 using ssh 
 root@ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 chkconfig --list --level 3 |grep snmpd 
snmpd           0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:off   5:off   6:off
[root@gfs1 ~]
connecting to
 using ssh 
 root@ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 chkconfig --list --level 3 |grep snmpd 
snmpd           0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
[root@gfs2 ~]
connecting to
 using ssh 
 root@ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 chkconfig --list --level 3 |grep snmpd 
snmpd           0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
[root@gfs3 ~]

Total host that passed 3

Total host that failed 0
Total host that had either incorrect login or passwords 0
Total host that could not connect 0
Another example. This time logging into Cisco Devices and runnign a show cdp neighbor..
python ldNetDeviceManager.py -l "localadmin" -p "pass" -D 1host.txt -c "show cdp neighbor" -t "both"  --tout=3 --out
file list 1host.txt
connecting to
 using ssh 
 localadmin@192.168.101 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

ssh key already in host file
before while loop 2
show cdp neighbor
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
 S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone

Device ID        Local Intrfce     Holdtme    Capability  Platform  Port ID
2W_9thFl_South   Gig 0/24          143           T I      AIR-AP113 Fas 0
 Gig 0/1           167          R S I     WS-C4507R Gig 5/14
connecting to
 using ssh 
 localadmin@192.168.101 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

TIMED OUT, could not connect to

connecting to
 using ssh 
 localadmin@192.168.101 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

ssh key already in host file
before while loop 2
show cdp neighbor
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
 S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone

Device ID        Local Intrfce     Holdtme    Capability  Platform  Port ID
 Gig 0/24          136          R S I     WS-C4507R Gig 4/22
Total host that passed 2

Total host that failed 0
Total host that had either incorrect login or passwords 0
Total host that could not connect 1

Here is the default output of ldNetDeviceManager.py
python ldNetDeviceManager.py
-l, --login         Your user name to the device. Example below..     
-l 'admin', --login='admin'
-p, --passwd        Your password to the device. Example below..      
-p 'passwd', --passwd='pass'
-e, --enable        Your enable or su or sudo password to the device. Example below..
-e 'passwd', --enable='pass'
-D, --dlist         List of devices you want to run this script against. Example below..
-D '/home/test/switches.txt', --dlist='/home/test/switches.txt'
-d, --device        The devices you want to run this script against. Example below..
-d '', --device=''
-C, --clist         List of commands that you want to run ithis script against. Example below..
-C '/home/test/commands.txt', --clist='/home/test/commands.txt'
-c, --command       The command that you want to run. Example below.. 
-c '/sbin/netstat -tln', --command='show vlan'
-t, --term          What terminal you are going to use (ssh or telnet or both. Example below..
-t 'ssh', --term='ssh'
-o, --output        The default is to run all the commands with out outputting them, this will enable output
-o, --output        
-h, --help          The will display this help file                   <

Examples Below..   
python ldNetDeviceManager.py -l dynasty -p 'passwd' -d -C './cmd.txt' -t ssh -e 'p\@55wd' --output --tout=2
python ldNetDeviceManager.py --login=dynasty --passwd='passwd' --dlist='./switches' --clist='./cmd.txt' --term=both --enable='p\@55wd' --output --tout=2
python ldNetDeviceManager.py --login=dynasty --passwd='passwd' --dlist='./switches' --command='service snmpd restart' --term=ssh --enable='p\@55wd' --output --tout=2
python ldNetDeviceManager.py -l dynasty -p 'passwd' -d -C './cmd.txt' -t ssh  -o --tout=2
If you have SSH Keys then you do not need to pass a password unless you have to get root access or sudo access. example below..
python ldNetDeviceManager.py -l dynasty -d -C './cmd.txt' -t ssh  -o --tout=2
python ldNetDeviceManager.py -l dynasty -p 'passwd' -d -c 'sudo service snmpd restart' --term=ssh  --output --tout=2